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Objective scientific proof of OOP's validity? Don't need no stinkun' proof.Having just discovered LtU, I've been reading many of the very interesting topics on here. As a reasonably accomplished programmer myself, I find the discussions on the validity of OOP and OOAD particularly thoughtprovoking, especially those that refer to published articles that speak out against OO. Having been a programmer in some sort of professional capacity for the better part of a decade, I have made the transition to OO myself, initially with a lot of innertia from my procedural ways. In my own work and play with programming, I have absolutely no doubt that it is a wonderful way of designing and writing code, and I have myself reaped the benefits of OO that are it's raison d'etre. Sure, much of my work is still done procedurally, but it's done mostly because of the even-driven nature of modern GUI software. But when I create a complex system, I can now only ever think in terms of modelling system structure and behaviour after the real-life system's it's designed to automate/facilitate. OO techniques are perfect for my type of work, and I could never ever go back to pure procedural ways. What bothers me is this: For me as a programmer, OO is a wonderful, useful thing, that saves me lots of time and mental effort. Why then, are some so vehement in their critique of it? Does that mean that as a former procedural programmer, my ways were so bad that 00 helped to make me better, and if OO is still bad, does it mean that my choice of paradigm brands me as a hopeless monkey? If OO is so bad, then, is there some other panacea that I am not seeing? Personally, I need no scientific, objective proof that OO is worthwile...I can see and feel the improvement between the old and the new. If other programmers (as I assume the authors of aforementioned articles are employed) are not seeing that improvement, what are they measuring 00 against? Or perhaps I am simply not grasping the critique properly? By Riaan Moll at 2005-08-04 12:11 | LtU Forum | previous forum topic | next forum topic | other blogs | 58219 reads
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