Why and How People Use R

Compelling lecture by John Cook


R is a strange, deeply flawed language that nevertheless has an enthusiastic and rapidly growing user base. What about R accounts for its popularity in its niche? What can language designers learn from R's success?

Iverson's _A Programming Language_


It's never too late to familiarize yourself with the classics.

Retrospective Thoughts on BitC

I believe Dr. Shapiro posts here sometimes, and I'm sure plenty of people here have already seen and read the post, but for those of you who wouldn't otherwise see it:

Retrospective Thoughts on BitC answers: What Ever Happened To BitC?

In the large, there were four sticking points for the current design:

The compilation model.
The insufficiency of the current type system w.r.t. by-reference and reference types.
The absence of some form of inheritance.
The instance coherence problem.

Parsing: The Solved Problem That Isn't

In the blog post Parsing: The Solved Problem That Isn't Laurence Tratt discusses some interesting unsolved practical problems with parsing especially in combining grammars

The general consensus, therefore, is that parsing is a solved problem. If you've got a parsing problem for synthetic languages, one of the existing tools should do the job. [...]

One of the things that's become increasingly obvious to me over the past few years is that the general consensus breaks down for one vital emerging trend: language composition. "Composition" is one of those long, complicated, but often vague terms that crops up a lot in theoretical work. Fortunately, for our purposes it means something simple: grammar composition, which is where we add one grammar to another and have the combined grammar parse text in the new language (exactly the sort of thing we want to do with Domain Specific Languages (DSLs)). To use a classic example, imagine that we wish to extend a Java-like language with SQL [...]

He goes on to mention several example problems:

  • Two LL or LR grammars may combine to produce a grammar that is neither.
  • Two unambiguous grammars may combine to produce an ambiguous grammar.
  • Two PEG grammars may combine to produce something that doesn't do what you want due to left bias.

What's the current state of the art?

Programming with Algebraic Effects and Handlers

Programming with Algebraic Effects and Handlers. Andrej Bauer and Matija Pretnar, arXiv preprint.

Eff is a programming language based on the algebraic approach to computational effects, in which effects are viewed as algebraic operations and effect handlers as homomorphisms from free algebras. Eff supports first-class effects and handlers through which we may easily define new computational effects, seamlessly combine existing ones, and handle them in novel ways. We give a denotational semantics of eff and discuss a prototype implementation based on it. Through examples we demonstrate how the standard effects are treated in eff, and how eff supports programming techniques that use various forms of delimited continuations, such as backtracking, breadth-first search, selection functionals, cooperative multi-threading, and others.

Eff has been discussed here before, and it's nice to see some more progress and a much more complete introduction. The paper is intended for a general audience (well, a general audience of PL enthusiasts). It's quite clear and contains a wealth of examples.

Examples of Lisp Code Typography

Few Examples of Lisp Code Typography, spanning 54 years, collected by Newlisp's Kazimir Majorinc.

Language mystery: identify the source language to a worm based on its object code

Here's a fun challenge for LtU. The team at Securelist is analyzing a worm called Duqu and found a few interesting things. One of them is that they can't figure out the source language for the core framework.

After having performed countless hours of analysis, we are 100% confident that the Duqu Framework was not programmed with Visual C++. It is possible that its authors used an in-house framework to generate intermediary C code, or they used another completely different programming language.

We would like to make an appeal to the programming community and ask anyone who recognizes the framework, toolkit or the programming language that can generate similar code constructions, to contact us or drop us a comment in this blogpost. We are confident that with your help we can solve this deep mystery in the Duqu story.

I'm not clear on how much knowing the source language helps with the security analysis, but what else were you doing with your time? All the details and clues in the object file can be found on their blog.

What does focusing tell us about language design?

A blog post about Call-By-Push-Value by Rob Simmons: What does focusing tell us about language design?

I think that one of the key observations of focusing/CBPV is that programs are dealing with two different things - data and computation - and that we tend to get the most tripped up when we confuse the two.

  • Data is classified by data types (a.k.a. positive types). Data is defined by how it is constructed, and the way you use data is by pattern-matching against it.
  • Computation is classified by computation types (a.k.a. negative types). Computations are defined their eliminations - that is, by how they respond to signals/messages/pokes/arguments.

There are two things I want to talk about, and they're both recursive types: call-by-push-value has positive recursive types (which have the feel of inductive types and/or algebras and/or what we're used to as datatypes in functional languages) and negative recursive types (which have the feel of recursive, lazy records and/or "codata" whatever that is and/or coalgebras and/or what William Cook calls objects). Both positive and negative recursive types are treated by Paul Blain Levy in his thesis (section 5.3.2) and in the Call-By-Push Value book (section 4.2.2).

In particular, I want to claim that Call-By-Push-Value and focusing suggest two fundamental features that should be, and generally aren't (at least simultaneously) in modern programming languages:

  • Support for structured data with rich case analysis facilities (up to and beyond what are called views)
  • Support for recursive records and negative recursive types.

Previously on Rob's blog: Embracing and extending the Levy language; on LtU: Call by push-value, Levy: a Toy Call-by-Push-Value Language.

And let me also repeat CBPV's slogan, which is one of the finest in PL advocacy: Once the fine structure has been exposed, why ignore it?

Informed dissent: William Cook contra Bob Harper on OOP

Ongoing discussion that you can follow on William Cook's blog.

I am not going to take sides (or keep points). I know everyone here has an opinion on the issue, and many of the arguments were discussed here over the years. I still think LtU-ers will want to follow this.

Given the nature of the topic, I remind everyone to review our policies before posting here on the issue.

Announcing Lang.NEXT - A Free Event for PL Designers and Implementers Hosted By Microsoft

The event is held at the Microsoft Campus on Apr 2-4 with talks, panels and discussions from 9-5 every day. Attendance is free, and includes lunch. Details here.