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Software EngineeringPure and Declarative Syntax Definition: Paradise Lost and Regained, Onward 2010Pure and Declarative Syntax Definition: Paradise Lost and Regained by Lennart C. L. Kats, Eelco Visser, Guido Wachsmuth from Delft
I haven't compared this version with the Onward 2010 version, but they look essentially the same. It seems timely to post this paper, considering the other recent story Yacc is dead. There is not a whole lot to argue against in this paper, since we all "know" the other approaches aren't as elegant and only resort to them for specific reasons such as efficiency. Yet, this is the first paper I know of that tries to state the argument to software engineers. For example, the Dragon Book, in every single edition, effectively brushes these topics aside. In particular, the Dragon Book does not even mention scannerless parsing as a technique, and instead only explains the "advantages" of using a scanner. Unfortunately, the authors of this paper don't consider other design proposals, either, such as Van Wyk's context-aware scanners from GPCE 2007. It is examples like these that made me wish the paper was a bit more robust in its analysis; the examples seem focused on the author's previous work. If you are not familiar with the author's previous work in this area, the paper covers it in the references. It includes Martin Bravenboer's work on modular Eclipse IDE support for AspectJ. By Z-Bo at 2010-11-29 17:19 | Critiques | DSL | History | Implementation | Software Engineering | 16 comments | other blogs | 15359 reads
First-class modules: hidden power and tantalizing promisesOleg just posted a new page, First-class modules: hidden power and tantalizing promises, related to new features in OCaml 3.12 (on LtU).
It includes a nice intro to first-class modules by Frisch and Garrigue: First-class modules and composable signatures in Objective Caml 3.12. OCaml definitely just got even more interesting. By Manuel J. Simoni at 2010-10-09 13:30 | Functional | OOP | Software Engineering | 1 comment | other blogs | 14062 reads
Turning down the LAMP: Software specialization for the cloudSeveral years ago, a reading group I was in read about the Flux OSKit Project, which aimed to provide a modular basis for operating systems. One of the topics of discussion was the possibility of, and possible benefits of, an application-specific OS. (For example, the fearful spectre of EmacsOS was raised.) Today, I ran across "Turning down the LAMP: Software specialization for the cloud", which actually makes a pretty strong case for the idea on a virtual machine infrastructure,
As one example,
On the other hand, I suspect that this "unashamedly academic" idea may already be advancing into the commercial arena, if I am correctly reading between the lines of the VMware vFabric tc ServerTM marketing material. By Tommy McGuire at 2010-10-04 19:29 | DSL | General | Implementation | Software Engineering | 8 comments | other blogs | 15103 reads
Software Development with Code MapsRobert DeLine, Gina Venolia, and Kael Rowan, "Software Development with Code Maps", Communications of the ACM, Vol. 53 No. 8, Pages 48-54, 10.1145/1787234.1787250
Although the focus of this article is largely on "Code Map as UI", there are hints of the possibility that we might eventually see "Code Map as Language Element" (for example, the comment that "An important lesson from the Oahu research is that developers assign meaning to the spatial layout of the code. Code Canvas therefore takes a mixed initiative approach to layout. The user is able to place any box on the map through direct manipulation..."). The same ideas will of course be familiar to anyone who has worked with environments like Simulink, which provide a combination of diagrammatic structuring and textual definition of algorithms. But in the past such environments have only really been found in specific application domains -- control systems and signal processing in the case of Simulink -- while the Code Map idea seems targeted at more general-purpose software development. Is the complexity of large software systems pushing us towards a situation in which graphical structures like Code Maps will become a common part of the syntax of general-purpose programming languages? By Allan McInnes at 2010-09-30 10:12 | DSL | Software Engineering | 28 comments | other blogs | 13831 reads
Is Transactional Programming Actually Easier?Is Transactional Programming Actually Easier?, WDDD '09, Christopher J. Rossbach, Owen S. Hofmann, and Emmett Witchel.
I've recently discovered the Workshop on Duplicating, Deconstructing, and Debunking (WDDD) and have found a handful of neat papers, and this one seemed especially relevant to LtU. [Edit: Apparently, there is a PPoPP'10 version of this paper with 237 undergraduate students.] Also, previously on LtU: Transactional Memory versus Locks - A Comparative Case Study Despite the fact Tommy McGuire's post mentions Dr. Victor Pankratius's talk was at UT-Austin and the authors of this WDDD'09 paper represent UT-Austin, these are two independent case studies with different programming assignments. The difference in assignments is interesting because it may indicate some statistical noise associated with problem domain complexity (as perceived by the test subjects) and could account for differences between the two studies. Everyone always likes to talk about usability in programming languages without trying to do it. Some claim it can't even be done, despite the fact Horning and Gannon did work on the subject 3+ decades ago, assessing how one can Language Design to Enhance Program Reliability. This gives a glimpse both on (a) why it is hard (b) how you can still try to do usability testing, rather than determine the truthiness of a language design decision. By Z-Bo at 2010-09-07 18:13 | Parallel/Distributed | Software Engineering | Teaching & Learning | 33 comments | other blogs | 30445 reads
Joe Duffy: A (brief) retrospective on transactional memoryA (brief) retrospective on transactional memory, by Joe Duffy, January 3rd, 2010. Although this is a blog post, don't expect to read it all on your lunch break... The STM.NET incubator project was canceled May 11, 2010, after beginning public life July 27, 2009 at DevLabs. In this blog post, written 4 months prior to its cancellation, Joe Duffy discusses the practical engineering challenges around implementing Software Transactional Memory in .NET. Note: He starts off with a disclaimer that he was not engaged in the STM.NET project past its initial working group phase. In short, Joe argues, "Throughout, it became abundantly clear that TM, much like generics, was a systemic and platform-wide technology shift. It didn’t require type theory, but the road ahead sure wasn’t going to be easy." The whole blog post deals with how many implementation challenges platform-wide support for STM would be in .NET, including what options were considered. He does not mention Maurice Herlihy's SXM library approach, but refers to Tim Harris's work several times. There was plenty here that surprised me, especially when you compare Concurrent Haskell's STM implementation to STM.NET design decisions and interesting debates the team had. In Concurrent Haskell, issues Joe raises, like making Console.WriteLine transactional, are delegated to the type system by the very nature of the TVar monad, preventing programmers from writing such wishywashy code. To be honest, this is why I didn't understand what Joe meant by "it didn't require type theory" gambit, since some of the design concerns are mediated in Concurrent Haskell via type theory. On the other hand, based on the pragmatics Joe discusses, and the platform-wide integration with the CLR they were shooting for, reminds me of The Transactional Memory / Garbage Collection Analogy. Joe also wrote a briefer follow-up post, More thoughts on transactional memory, where he talks more about Barbara Liskov's Argus. By Z-Bo at 2010-09-07 17:05 | Critiques | Implementation | Parallel/Distributed | Software Engineering | 7 comments | other blogs | 12122 reads
Adding Type Constructor Parameterization to JavaVincent Cremet and Philippe Altherr: Adding Type Constructor Parameterization to Java, JOT vol. 7, no. 5.
FGJω is a simple extension of (Featherweight) Java's generics, where type parameters may be type constructors (functions from types to types). This very readable paper finally made me understand GADTs. (Previously: Generics of a Higher Kind on Scala's support for the same idea.) By Manuel J. Simoni at 2010-05-24 20:49 | Software Engineering | Type Theory | 34 comments | other blogs | 23326 reads
On IterationOn Iteration, by Andrei Alexandrescu.
Previously: Iterators Must Go. By Manuel J. Simoni at 2010-05-12 17:52 | Paradigms | Software Engineering | 3 comments | other blogs | 19608 reads
DesignerUnitsOne goal in a public release is influence by example. I'd like future software to sport nice measurement units. A review sequence by depth of interest: overview, worked examples, backgrounder, unit catalogs, QuickStart.nb, and finally DesignerUnits.nb which houses code. Core sections are "Unit Algebra - Productions - Main Algebra" and "Quantity Analysis." The Structure of Authority: Why security is not a separable concernThe Structure of Authority: Why security is not a separable concern, by Mark S. Miller, Bill Tulloh, and Jonathan Shapiro:
An important overview of why security properties cannot be an after-thought for any platform, languages and operating systems included. To this end, the paper covers security properties at various granularities from desktop down to object-level granularity, and how object-capabilities provide security properties that are compositional, and permit safely composing mutually suspicious programs. A recent LtU discussion on achieving security by built-in object-capabilities vs. building security frameworks as libraries reminded me of this paper. Ultimately, the library approach can work assuming side-effects are properly controlled via some mechanism, ie. effect types or monads, but any solution should conform to object capability principles to maintain safe composition. An example of a capability-secure legacy/library approach is Plash (Principle of Least Authority SHell), which provides object-specific file system name spaces. Any library interface to the file system should mimic this file system virtualization, which effectively pushes side-effect control down to OS-level objects, and which is essential to safely composing mutually suspicious programs that access the file system. By naasking at 2010-04-26 15:27 | General | Software Engineering | Theory | 49 comments | other blogs | 17436 reads
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