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Confused Deputies in Programming LanguagesThere was an insightful discussion recently on the capabilities mailing list about confused deputies, and how various language constructs can inadvertently introduce confused deputies. For instance, Alan Karp devised a confused deputy innocently introduced by Java's package scoping. I then reproduced this confused deputy using OCaml's modules. In any system with encapsulation of some sort, there is an inherent disconnect between a caller's permissions to an object, and the callee's permission to that same object. Whenever the callee has greater authority over an object it's given than a caller, and this authority is granted implicitly (by the type system, for instance), a Confused Deputy can arise. This authority augmentation is called "rights amplification" in the capability security literature. For example, the abstract OCaml type Confused.O.t is automatically amplified to an out_channel upon calling a function in module Confused.O. This usage is safe however. The only problems arise with binary functions, where the second parameter is also implicitly amplified. One solution proposed on the list was to forbid such implicit rights amplification for all parameters except the first, thus forcing all amplifications to be explicit (cap-talk is generally object-centric, thus the emphasis on the first parameter only). I wasn't in favour of placing this burden on all binary functions, so I proposed instead to forbid "package-scoped" functions. By this, I mean that only publicly accessible functions are visible even for modules within the same "package" (or scope/nesting/etc.). The OCaml vulnerability is only introduced because module Confused.B can access the internal Confused.O.write function, which is not publicly accessible outside of the Confused "namespace". If this lax scoping were forbidden, the compiler writer would have to either
In all cases, the authority being wielded is more explicit, and thus accidental vulnerabilities are minimized. My proposal may complicate abstractions provided as a set of co-operating modules however, so I have three questions:
On a final note, there was also some discussion about creating confused deputies just using shared mutable state, so there is yet more evidence of the safety of purely functional programming. By naasking at 2008-03-02 19:01 | LtU Forum | previous forum topic | next forum topic | other blogs | 19378 reads
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