MitchFest 2009: Symposium in Honor of Mitchell Wand

I'm pleased to announce that we are planning a celebration for Mitch Wand's 60th birthday!

From the MitchFest home page:

Northeastern University is hosting a special Symposium in celebration of Dr. Mitchell Wand's 60th birthday and honoring his pioneering work in the field of programming languages. For over 30 years Mitch has made important contributions to many areas of programming languages, including semantics, continuations, type theory, hygienic macros, compiler correctness, static analysis and formal verification.

After receiving his PhD from MIT in 1973, Mitch taught at Indiana University where he and colleague Daniel P. Friedman wrote the first edition of their seminal text, Essentials of Programming Languages. Described by a reviewer as "so influential that the initials EOPL are a widely understood shorthand," the text is now in its third edition from MIT Press. Mitch joined the faculty of Northeastern University in 1985 and has been a leader in the College of Computer and Information Science. In 2007, Mitch was inducted as a Fellow of the Association for Computing Machinery.

Please join us at Northeastern on August 23rd and 24th as we celebrate this personal milestone and pay tribute to a great computer scientist, researcher, teacher and colleague, Dr. Mitchell (Mitch) Wand.

LtU regulars will recall that we've discussed DanFest 2004 here before, as well as the talk videos.

MitchFest is open to the public and coordinated with Scheme Workshop 2009, which will be at MIT on August 22nd (the same weekend). More event information, including registration, is available on the MitchFest home page. Following the Symposium, we will be publishing a special edition of HOSC as a Festschrift in honor of Mitch.

We will post a schedule on the web site soon, but for now you can view the preliminary list of papers in the Call for Participation.

Update: added link to HOSC.

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Nice talk titles

Will there be videos for this as well? Will abstracts be posted? Does DDP mean Demand-Driven Pruning?

Re: Nice talk titles

Will there be videos for this as well?

I intend to have the talks recorded, and we will make an effort to make the videos publicly available. We still have to work this out, but it's a top priority of mine.

Will abstracts be posted?

Yes, Real Soon Now.

Does DDP mean Demand-Driven Pruning?

Demand-Driven analysis with Pruning