Teaching & Learning

Why Did M.I.T. Switch from Scheme to Python?

Daniel Weinreb has a short investigative piece about why MIT's well-known 6.001 course based around SICP and Scheme has been replaced with Python:

I’ve been seeing mail and blog postings, particularly from people in the Lisp community, why MIT has switched from using Scheme to Python in the freshman core curriculum for the department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.

At the International Lisp Conference, Prof. Gerry Sussman gave a short impromptu talk explaining the new freshman curriculum. Just to get a second opinion, I later called Prof. Jacob White, one of the designers of the curriculum and lecturers for the core courses. He confirmed Gerry’s description.

Asking why they changed languages is, in some sense, the wrong question.

Also discussed previously on LtU here.

Project Euler

Ran across a short weblog entry on Leonhard Euler, the father of functions and initiator of much in the way of number theory. The mention of Project Euler caught my eye, as I rather like projects that involve multiple PLs attacking the same sets of problems.

Project Euler is a series of challenging mathematical/computer programming problems that will require more than just mathematical insights to solve. Although mathematics will help you arrive at elegant and efficient methods, the use of a computer and programming skills will be required to solve most problems. The motivation for starting Project Euler, and its continuation, is to provide a platform for the inquiring mind to delve into unfamiliar areas and learn new concepts in a fun and recreational context.
Project Euler has been around for almost as long as LtU but this is the first I'd heard of it. I find the questions and the competitive gaming aspect to be interesting, though I have a long way to go (level 2 out 5). Not sure there is a direct tie into PLs, but since I'm using it to learn more math and investigate the breaking points and elegance of PLs... and anything involving multiple PLs in competition and mathematics can't be too far removed... and since I haven't posted a story to LtU in a while and this happens to be my current interest... well, that will have to suffice. I'll have to admit though that many of the solutions I looked at are either too rushed (brute force), too cumbersome (indexes flying everywhere) or too terse. But that's true of most code that I run across (including my own). Still hoping for a PL that has that just right aspect - though I'm leaning to Oz these days.

(For those of us that are looking for walk-through/cheat guides, the Haskell wiki has the code to the first 200 problems, and I've put my Oz code for the first 50 up on the CTM wiki).

A bit of Scheming

A rather amusing thread on the plt-scheme mailing list, reminded me of Wadler's paper Why Calculating is Better than Scheming from 1987, which wasn't discussed here as far as I recall.

It's a bit of a blast from the past, but still worth reading.

In Praise of Scripting: Real Programming Pragmatism

Ronald Loui, In Praise of Scripting: Real Programming Pragmatism, IEEE Computer, vol. 41, no. 7, July 2008. [Openly accessible draft here]

The July IEEE Computer carries an article arguing for the use of scripting languages as first programming languages, and also arguing for a greater study of what the author calls "language pragmatics" (the original article is behind the IEEE paywall, but you can find a draft that has roughly the same content here). The argument for using scripting languages as educational languages can be summed up by Loui's abstract:

The author recommends that scripting, not Java, be taught first, asserting that students should learn to love their own possibilities before they learn to loathe other people's restrictions.
The bulk of the article is devoted to exploring this basic theme in more depth, and provides an interesting contrast to the arguments in favor of moving away from Java (and scripting languages) advanced in Computer Science Education: Where Are the Software Engineers of Tomorrow? (discussed earlier on LtU here).

Loui spends the latter part of the article arguing that, in addition to syntax and semantics, research on programming language should include a formal study of language pragmatics. According to Loui, a formal study of pragmatics would address questions such as:

  • What is the average lifetime of a program written in language X for programmers of type Y, for a program of type Z?
  • What is the average time spent authoring versus debugging a program in language X for programmers of type Y, for a program of type Z?
  • What is the consumption of short-term memory when programming in language X for programmers of type Y, for a program of type Z?

The Little Books in Oz

Translating code from one programming language to another is a black art. Even if successful in capturing functionality, each PL has its own styles, idioms and community morals. Doing automated translations (which I have done) has more misses than hits. Doing it manually gets you closer but it can require an inordinate amount of time to get it just right. Even so, PL translations are something that I personally enjoy as it is particularly instructive in teaching the strengths and limitations of expressing different concepts (though I usually catch flak for violating the social values of the target language).

My latest postings into this gray area are translations of the remaining Little Books to Oz - consisting of The Little Schemer, The Seasoned Schemer, The Little MLer and A Little Java, A Few Patterns (previous LtU post on The Reasoned Schemer in Oz). The Little Books are the antithesis to recipe books. There's not much code here that can be plugged into a project. The aim is to systematically teach programming thought processes. The books are useful for those wanting to learn Scheme (or ML). But the lessons are also useful even if those are not your particular language(s) of choice. Such didactic material may not be everyone's cup of tea, but they do represent a unique manner in which to teach (and still hoping for The Little Haskeller).

Along a similar line, I've started in on Introduction to Algorithms in Oz. Previously, I made a weak attempt at Knuth which I'll get back to one of these years, but found that translating MIX to higher level languages was tedious and time consuming. The CLRS book is a bit easier to translate, but the language they chose to express algorithms in doesn't seem to map to any exact known programming language in the universe. The language is concise, which was their aim, but it takes some shortcuts and has some peculiarities. Also, like Knuth, the algorithms are very much oriented to having mutable state. (Purely Functional Data Structures is in my queue). Anyhow, I find it interesting that the authors of the two best known book(s) on algorithms chose to invent their own language rather than use an existing PL.

A System to Understand Incorrect Programs

An ancient paper (July 1978: 30 years ago) from the long gone Lisp Bulletin by Harald Wertz.

The system describes attempts to improve incompletely specified Lisp programs, without however resorting to more information, in the form of specifications, test cases or the like.

A second paper on the system is Stereotyped Program Debugging: an Aid for Novice Programmers.

Programming -- Principles and Practice Using C++

I just noticed Stroustrup is about to publish this introductory book.

I am stunned on many levels, so I will keep my comments short.

In general, this seems like HTDP for C++, that is it is not a comprehensive text about C++ or about CS in general, but rather one aimed at teaching the basics of software construction. This is a good idea, and many have written books with similar goals in the past, of course.

I wonder what are the chances that any university not employing Stroustrup will switch to C++ for their introductory course (if they are not using it already). It seems to me everyone is teaching Java...

My second observation is that a large fraction of the book is devoted to STL. Which a good thing on many levels. Some of the topics may even be explained functionally.

My third observation is that even given the intended audience and goals the ToC seems really sparse. I wonder if that's all the book is going to contain.

Computational Thinking

Computational thinking is a fundamental skill for everyone, not just for computer scientists. To reading, writing, and arithmetic, we should add computational thinking to every child’s analytical ability. Just as the printing press facilitated the spread of the three Rs, what is appropriately incestuous about this vision is that computing and computers facilitate the spread of computational thinking.
Computational thinking involves solving problems, designing systems, and understanding human behavior, by drawing on the concepts fundamental to computer science. Computational thinking includes a range of mental tools that reflect the breadth of the field of computer science.

from Jeannette M. Wing's Computational Thinking Manifesto

The Center for Computation Thinking at CMU has more information about the subject.

We talked briefly about Computational Thinking back in 2006. Recently I listened to Jon Udell's interview with Jeannette Wing and realized that it's time to bring this subject up again for discussion.

Lambda, the Ultimate TA

Benjamin C. Pierce. Using a Proof Assistant to Teach Programming Language Foundations, or, Lambda, the Ultimate TA. April 2008. White paper.

In Fall 2007, I taught an introductory course on logic and the theory of programming languages entirely in Coq. The experience was quite demanding — for the students and especially for me!— but the overall payoff in terms of student engagement and performance on exams far exceeded my hopes. I am now convinced that this is the right way to teach programming language foundations and am working on course materials that will allow the approach to be replicated elsewhere.

Just this weekend I talked with someone about E-Learning, and he mentioned "immediate nonjudgmental feedback" as one of the main advantages of using computers in the classroom. In the context of teaching logic and the art of constructing proofs this boils down to using proof-assistants as "personal TAs". This is what Pierce tried to do (Paul will be pleased: Coq was the proof assistant Pierce chose), and this note describes his experiences and conclusions.

The teaching materials are available online, if you prefer to look at them and form your own opinion before reading Pierce's conclusions...

HMF: Simple type inference for first-class polymorphism

HMF: Simple type inference for first-class polymorphism - Daan Leijen, Draft April 8, 2008.

HMF is a conservative extension of Hindley-Milner type inference with first-class polymorphism and regular System F types. The system
distinguishes itself from other proposals with simple type rules and a very simple type inference algorithm that is just a small extension
of the usual Damas-Milner algorithm. Given the relative simplicity and expressive power, we feel that HMF can be a very attractive
type system in practice. There is a reference implementation of the type system available at: http://research.microsoft.com/users/daan/pubs.html.

An excellent paper even in its current draft form. I also placed this under the learning category, because Daan's writing style is lucid enough that the concepts can be understood by relative newcomers to the field of type theory

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