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Forum topicAdvantages of pointfree? John Nowak2023-02-19 16:24
StoryGraydon Hoare: 21 compilers and 3 orders of magnitude in 60 minutes Charles Stewart2023-03-08 05:47
Forum topicLinearLisp: a proof of concept in full linearization for AST-walking interpreters Cyril2023-03-10 07:59
Forum topicType and Effects systems and Lucassen's Thesis Andrei Formiga2023-03-16 03:22
StoryPlatonic C# - Managing Referential Transparency through Unique Types cdiggins2023-04-05 14:26
Forum topicAnn: The Logic Lab Mark Tarver2023-04-17 12:14
Forum topicRewrite.js – a minimalist s-expr based term rewriting system Ivan V.2023-04-23 09:37
Forum topicEgel v0.1.8 (beta) released - do syntax marco2023-05-22 21:23
Forum topicEgel v0.1.8 (beta) released - do syntax marco2023-05-22 21:24
Forum topicEgel v0.1.8 (beta) released - do syntax marco2023-05-22 21:25