Topic | Originator | Msgs | Last Post |
The Evolution of Lisp | Biep | 3 | 05/22/2001 |
Hat - The Haskell Tracer | andrew cooke | 4 | 05/22/2001 |
Heap Profiling for Space Efficiency | andrew cooke | 1 | 05/22/2001 |
On the Flexibility of Programming Languages | Chris Rathman | 1 | 05/21/2001 |
Comprehending Monads | andrew cooke | 1 | 05/20/2001 |
Programming Competition | andrew cooke | 1 | 05/18/2001 |
C Books | andrew cooke | 2 | 05/18/2001 |
Functional Programming Archive | andrew cooke | 2 | 05/22/2001 |
Dynamic Languages Panel download | andrew cooke | 2 | 05/20/2001 |
Perl Exegesis (examples) | andrew cooke | 2 | 05/16/2001 |
Adaptive Software | andrew cooke | 1 | 05/15/2001 |
Python, Redux | Chris Rathman | 1 | 05/14/2001 |
The VB.NET Hillbillies | Chris Rathman | 1 | 05/14/2001 |
Ada-Europe'2001 | Ehud Lamm | 3 | 05/13/2001 |
Generics & Java | Chris Rathman | 2 | 05/12/2001 |
Python, XML, .NET - Lutz Interview | andrew cooke | 1 | 05/11/2001 |
Today! - Dynamic Languages Wizards Panel | Ehud Lamm | 12 | 05/11/2001 |
Design Principles Behind Smalltalk | Ehud Lamm | 1 | 05/10/2001 |
Handling Graphs in Functional PLs | andrew cooke | 1 | 05/10/2001 |
Janos VM is available | Ehud Lamm | 1 | 05/09/2001 |
Simula and Smalltalk: A Social and Political History | Ehud Lamm | 6 | 05/10/2001 |
How fundamental is information? | Ehud Lamm | 5 | 05/12/2001 |
Google stops indexing these servers | Ehud Lamm | 6 | 05/09/2001 |
FP in Python | andrew cooke | 1 | 05/08/2001 |
FACT - Multiparadigm Programming with C++ | andrew cooke | 4 | 05/08/2001 |
99 Bottles: Take one down... | Chris Rathman | 2 | 05/07/2001 |
Haskell Simulator of Quantum Computer | Ehud Lamm | 1 | 05/06/2001 |
Type Theory for Certified Code | Ehud Lamm | 1 | 05/05/2001 |
The Objective-C Language | Chris Rathman | 2 | 05/04/2001 |
Microsoft vs. Open Source | Ehud Lamm | 1 | 05/04/2001 |
Lisp History | andrew cooke | 3 | 05/04/2001 |
Further information on "Beating The Averages" | Brad Knotwell | 7 | 05/04/2001 |
Simple explanation of Continuation Passing | andrew cooke | 10 | 05/05/2001 |
Java IAQ: Infrequently Asked Questions | Chris Rathman | 1 | 05/03/2001 |
Python Iterators (proposal) | Ehud Lamm | 1 | 05/02/2001 |
EJB 2.0 Proposed Final Draft 2 | Chris Rathman | 1 | 05/02/2001 |
Usefullness of Assertions in C | Chris Rathman | 2 | 05/02/2001 |
(Lisp) Beating the Averages | andrew cooke | 6 | 05/04/2001 |
Comparing Two Garbage Collectors for C++ | Ehud Lamm | 2 | 05/01/2001 |
Garbage Collection Can Be Faster Than Stack Allocation | Ehud Lamm | 1 | 05/01/2001 |
Uniprocessor Garbage Collection Techniques | Ehud Lamm | 2 | 04/30/2001 |
elj Roundup | andrew cooke | 1 | 04/30/2001 |
Eric S. Raymond - Why Python? | Ehud Lamm | 1 | 04/29/2001 |
Q - Equational Programming Language | andrew cooke | 1 | 04/29/2001 |
RDF Applications in Prolog | Ehud Lamm | 1 | 04/28/2001 |
BRICS Activities | Ehud Lamm | 1 | 04/27/2001 |
Mercury Programming Language | Chris Rathman | 13 | 04/26/2001 |
Meta-interpretation | Ehud Lamm | 1 | 04/25/2001 |
Scheme as a web server language/OS | andrew cooke | 2 | 04/25/2001 |
Scheme as a web server language/OS | Biep | 3 | 04/25/2001 |
Links to JFP Papers | andrew cooke | 2 | 04/25/2001 |
Literature on Programming Languages | Ehud Lamm | 4 | 04/26/2001 |
Posting to front page (Pliant!) | andrew cooke | 1 | 04/23/2001 |
Future Directions for C++ | Chris Rathman | 17 | 04/26/2001 |
Pliant | pixel | 1 | 04/23/2001 |
Computability and Recursion | Ehud Lamm | 3 | 04/23/2001 |
Jython Servlet | Brian Zhou | 2 | 04/22/2001 |
The Zen of Python (by Tim Peters) | Ehud Lamm | 1 | 04/22/2001 |
Free Zope Hosting | Ehud Lamm | 1 | 04/21/2001 |
APL2001 - An Arrays Odyssey | Ehud Lamm | 1 | 04/21/2001 |
Squeak books | Chris Rathman | 3 | 04/22/2001 |
Server-side scripting languages | Ehud Lamm | 10 | 04/23/2001 |
Quickies (GHC/OO-FP/Generative P) | andrew cooke | 1 | 04/19/2001 |
Polymorphism from a type-oriented point of view | Chris Rathman | 1 | 04/18/2001 |
Java History | Ehud Lamm | 1 | 04/18/2001 |
Misc | Ehud Lamm | 1 | 04/18/2001 |
A practical lambda-calculator | Ehud Lamm | 2 | 04/19/2001 |
Patterns for Domain Specific Languages | Ehud Lamm | 1 | 04/17/2001 |
Slashdot: Python + Ruby | andrew cooke | 6 | 04/20/2001 |
Scripting: Higher Level Programming | Ehud Lamm | 2 | 04/16/2001 |
FunDeps (Type classes, databases and more) | andrew cooke | 2 | 04/16/2001 |
pyAda | Ehud Lamm | 1 | 04/15/2001 |
XML and Scheme (SXML) | Ehud Lamm | 1 | 04/15/2001 |
Squeak at 3.0 | Chris Rathman | 3 | 04/15/2001 |
Semiotics for Beginners | Ehud Lamm | 1 | 04/13/2001 |
Updated topic indexes | Chris Rathman | 2 | 04/13/2001 |
ambiguous sentences | Ehud Lamm | 1 | 04/13/2001 |
Java Design Flaws | Ehud Lamm | 1 | 04/12/2001 |
Interpreter Construction Framework | Ehud Lamm | 1 | 04/12/2001 |
A survey of optimization techniques | Ehud Lamm | 1 | 04/11/2001 |
An Analysis of the Divergence of Two Sather Dialects | Ehud Lamm | 1 | 04/11/2001 |
Iteration Abstraction in Sather | Ehud Lamm | 8 | 04/12/2001 |
A Perl Hacker in the Land of Python | Ehud Lamm | 1 | 04/09/2001 |
Continuation examples | Ehud Lamm | 1 | 04/09/2001 |
Defining predicate | Lai | 3 | 04/09/2001 |
Haskell + Xml | andrew cooke | 1 | 04/08/2001 |
Curl on /. + Quickies | andrew cooke | 4 | 04/11/2001 |
Natural Language Programming | andrew cooke | 5 | 04/11/2001 |
Flow Based Programming | andrew cooke | 1 | 04/06/2001 |
"Maths is true by accident." | Oleg | 3 | 04/05/2001 |
Optimizations | Ehud Lamm | 1 | 04/05/2001 |
C# interview / OOP in any language | andrew cooke | 7 | 04/05/2001 |
Catching more errors at compile with Generic Java | Ehud Lamm | 1 | 04/04/2001 |
Larry Wall on Perl6 | andrew cooke | 3 | 04/04/2001 |
Missing Medium | andrew cooke | 1 | 04/03/2001 |
Bertrand Meyer Online Interview | Ehud Lamm | 3 | 04/04/2001 |
Hits + Speed | andrew cooke | 3 | 04/03/2001 |
Visual Haskell | andrew cooke | 1 | 04/03/2001 |
Vyper | andrew cooke | 1 | 04/02/2001 |
Lambda Calculi : A Guide for Computer Scientists - Hankin | Ehud Lamm | 2 | 04/03/2001 |
Test Shows 99.99% of High School Seniors Can't Read Perl | Ehud Lamm | 1 | 04/01/2001 |
Jobs | andrew cooke | 12 | 04/05/2001 |
Quickies | andrew cooke | 1 | 03/31/2001 |
Curl goes to 1.0 Release | Pam | 1 | 03/30/2001 |
Programming with pictures | andrew cooke | 2 | 03/30/2001 |
Notation as a Tool of Thought - Kenneth E. Iverson | Ehud Lamm | 1 | 03/29/2001 |
Tunes | Ehud Lamm | 1 | 03/29/2001 |
The TUNES Problem | water | 3 | 03/29/2001 |
Labanotation | Ehud Lamm | 1 | 03/29/2001 |
J2EEConnector Specification | Ehud Lamm | 1 | 03/28/2001 |
Lambda Dance | andrew cooke | 2 | 03/27/2001 |
(Elegant) Recursive Ascent Parsing | andrew cooke | 1 | 03/27/2001 |
Sharing Code through First-class Environments | Ehud Lamm | 13 | 03/30/2001 |
More Papers | andrew cooke | 2 | 03/26/2001 |
Is Design Dead? | Chris Rathman | 2 | 03/26/2001 |
Technology for e-business | Ehud Lamm | 2 | 03/26/2001 |
Metamorphic Programming | andrew cooke | 2 | 03/26/2001 |
Coding standards in C++ | Chris Rathman | 1 | 03/24/2001 |
Archived | andrew cooke | 7 | 03/24/2001 |
Depressing, but true | andrew cooke | 1 | 03/24/2001 |
C-like Functional Programming Languages | andrew cooke | 1 | 03/24/2001 |
Vier und Neun | andrew cooke | 1 | 03/23/2001 |
Using Mix-ins with Python | andrew cooke | 5 | 03/22/2001 |
Why People Aren't Using Haskell | Ehud Lamm | 4 | 03/21/2001 |
Design Patterns in Dynamic Programming | Ehud Lamm | 1 | 03/21/2001 |
Moving FP from Academia | andrew cooke | 1 | 03/21/2001 |
Object Functional Patterns | Ehud Lamm | 1 | 03/20/2001 |
Haskell v Ada v C++ v Awk v ... | andrew cooke | 3 | 03/20/2001 |
Alan J. Perlis Epigrams | Ehud Lamm | 1 | 03/19/2001 |
Category Theory for the working computer scientist | andrew cooke | 9 | 03/23/2001 |
C and system-level design | Chris Rathman | 2 | 03/19/2001 |
PROGRAMMING WITH {SETS} | Ehud Lamm | 3 | 03/21/2001 |
Logic Programming | andrew cooke | 4 | 03/18/2001 |
Software Development Magazine | andrew cooke | 1 | 03/17/2001 |
Guido on Python | andrew cooke | 1 | 03/16/2001 |
Concepts, Techniques and Models of CP | andrew cooke | 1 | 03/16/2001 |
Was Ada Lovelace the first computer programmer? | Ehud Lamm | 3 | 03/17/2001 |
Atoms as Objects? | andrew cooke | 9 | 03/17/2001 |
Bruce Eckel: Why I Love Python | Ehud Lamm | 1 | 03/15/2001 |
CFP: First workshop on multi-language infrastructure... | Ehud Lamm | 1 | 03/14/2001 |
Introduction to Lambda Calculus | Ehud Lamm | 1 | 03/13/2001 |
Saxon: The Anatomy of an XSLT processor | Ehud Lamm | 1 | 03/12/2001 |
Aspect-Oriented Programming with AspectJ™ | Ehud Lamm | 3 | 03/12/2001 |
Essentials of Programming Languages, 2e | Ehud Lamm | 1 | 03/12/2001 |
EJB discussion (and criticisms) | Chris Rathman | 1 | 03/10/2001 |
Compaq Web Language | Ehud Lamm | 1 | 03/09/2001 |
Extended Static Checking for Java | Ehud Lamm | 1 | 03/09/2001 |
The Impact of The Lambda Calculus... | Ehud Lamm | 1 | 03/08/2001 |
A skeptic's look at C# | Ehud Lamm | 2 | 03/10/2001 |
Language Support for Disributed Processing | Ehud Lamm | 3 | 03/08/2001 |
Python Helps Disney Write a New Script | Ehud Lamm | 2 | 03/07/2001 |
RFC: A Little IDL | Ehud Lamm | 1 | 03/06/2001 |
The Essence of Compiling with Continutations | Ehud Lamm | 1 | 03/05/2001 |
Linguistic Relativity Hypothesis | Ehud Lamm | 11 | 03/06/2001 |
Contributors Needed! | Ehud Lamm | 10 | 03/05/2001 |
Perl Paraphernalia | Ehud Lamm | 1 | 03/03/2001 |
Model Checking Java Programs Using Java PathFinder | Ehud Lamm | 1 | 03/01/2001 |
History of Programming Languages (Mirror Page) | Ehud Lamm | 3 | 03/01/2001 |
non plain-textual programming languages | Basile Starynkevitch | 5 | 02/28/2001 |
Jonas EJB Server | Chris Rathman | 1 | 02/27/2001 |
More typing debates! | Ehud Lamm | 1 | 02/27/2001 |
XQuery, XSLT "overlap" debated (xmlhack) | Ehud Lamm | 1 | 02/26/2001 |
GHood -- a graphical viewer for Hood | Ehud Lamm | 1 | 02/26/2001 |
Obituary: Herbert Simon | Ehud Lamm | 1 | 02/25/2001 |
Scheme on .NET | Ehud Lamm | 1 | 02/24/2001 |
Functional style in Perl | Chris Rathman | 1 | 02/24/2001 |
Alan Kay: Software Design, the Future of Programming... | Ehud Lamm | 1 | 02/23/2001 |
PSP Experiences | Ehud Lamm | 1 | 02/23/2001 |
EJB critique | Ehud Lamm | 3 | 02/23/2001 |
Identity Problems | Ehud Lamm | 2 | 02/23/2001 |
Quotes | Ehud Lamm | 1 | 02/22/2001 |
The Man Who Listens to Horses | Ehud Lamm | 4 | 02/24/2001 |
Functional Programming in Python | Chris Rathman | 3 | 02/24/2001 |
Stroustrap interview at LinuxWorld | Chris Rathman | 2 | 02/22/2001 |
XSLT Extensions Revisited | Chris Rathman | 7 | 02/24/2001 |
Tech Interview Questions | Ehud Lamm | 1 | 02/20/2001 |
Functional Images 2 | andrew cooke | 2 | 02/20/2001 |
Review of Python Books | andrew cooke | 1 | 02/20/2001 |
The Discoveries of Continuations - Reynolds | Ehud Lamm | 1 | 02/19/2001 |
Critical Acclaim | andrew cooke | 1 | 02/19/2001 |
Real Time Processing | andrew cooke | 3 | 02/19/2001 |
iContract: DbC for Java | Chris Rathman | 1 | 02/18/2001 |
Persistent Lisp (Mop Inside) | andrew cooke | 1 | 02/18/2001 |
Object-Oriented C | Chris Rathman | 3 | 02/17/2001 |
A Critique of Standard ML, Andrew Appel | Ehud Lamm | 3 | 02/17/2001 |
DBC for Lisp | andrew cooke | 2 | 02/17/2001 |
The Esoteric Programming Languages Ring | Ehud Lamm | 2 | 02/16/2001 |
F-Script programming language | Chris Rathman | 4 | 02/17/2001 |
A "Popular Science" treatment of FP/OOP? | andrew cooke | 6 | 02/16/2001 |
Typeful Programming | Ehud Lamm | 1 | 02/15/2001 |
Y Combinator in Ruby | Chris Rathman | 7 | 02/15/2001 |
FP and XML | andrew cooke | 1 | 02/15/2001 |
Comparison of Haskell (GHC) and ML (SML/NJ) | andrew cooke | 3 | 02/15/2001 |
Smalltalk-80: The Language and Its Implementation | Chris Rathman | 2 | 02/14/2001 |
OCaml on top of JVM/.NET | pixel | 2 | 02/14/2001 |
Struts, an open-source MVC implementation | Chris Rathman | 3 | 02/14/2001 |
Using Physical Dimensions | andrew cooke | 12 | 02/15/2001 |
Prolog Programming A First Course | Ehud Lamm | 1 | 02/13/2001 |
Garbage Collection and the Radioactive Decay Model | Ehud Lamm | 1 | 02/13/2001 |
Typing Haskell in Haskell | andrew cooke | 1 | 02/13/2001 |
Unix's Zoo of Languages | Ehud Lamm | 2 | 02/12/2001 |
Larry Wall interview | Ehud Lamm | 1 | 02/12/2001 |
Smalltalk-style o/p in Python | andrew cooke | 2 | 02/12/2001 |
Prolog tutorial | Ehud Lamm | 1 | 02/11/2001 |
Rearranging Haskell's Type Classes | andrew cooke | 1 | 02/11/2001 |
Continued Fraction Arithmetic - Bill Gosper | Ehud Lamm | 4 | 10/09/2002 |
SMLNJ RIP? | andrew cooke | 11 | 02/09/2001 |
Sociology of Language Development (Python) | andrew cooke | 6 | 02/09/2001 |
Embedding Prolog into Haskell | Ehud Lamm | 1 | 02/09/2001 |
SILK - A Playful Blend of Scheme and Java | Ehud Lamm | 1 | 02/09/2001 |
First Course Language List | Ehud Lamm | 4 | 02/09/2001 |
The 8th International Static Analysis Symposium | Ehud Lamm | 1 | 02/08/2001 |
Interface based programming | Ehud Lamm | 5 | 02/08/2001 |
Cultured Perl: Perl 5.6 for C and Java programmers | Ehud Lamm | 1 | 02/06/2001 |
Computing Curricula 2001 | Ehud Lamm | 10 | 02/08/2001 |
Quilt: an XML Query Language | Ehud Lamm | 5 | 02/09/2001 |
G. Castagna. Covariance and contravariance: conflict without | Ehud Lamm | 1 | 02/05/2001 |
End-User XML oriented proramming | Ehud Lamm | 12 | 02/08/2001 |
Intro to call-with-current-continuation | Ehud Lamm | 2 | 02/04/2001 |
Third ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Continuations | Ehud Lamm | 1 | 02/04/2001 |
Stockhausen | andrew cooke | 1 | 02/03/2001 |
Heterogenous lists (existential types) | andrew cooke | 4 | 02/03/2001 |
elj Roundup | andrew cooke | 1 | 02/02/2001 |
Oz Grows Up | andrew cooke | 1 | 02/02/2001 |
Marco Cantù's Essential Pascal | Chris Rathman | 1 | 02/01/2001 |
XML in the technology food chain... | Chris Rathman | 2 | 02/01/2001 |
Soft Typing | andrew cooke | 1 | 02/01/2001 |
Type safety | Ehud Lamm | 1 | 01/31/2001 |
Hits hits hits! | andrew cooke | 3 | 01/31/2001 |
Poytypism in Practice | andrew cooke | 6 | 01/31/2001 |
APL Books | Ehud Lamm | 1 | 01/30/2001 |
SICP Text Online | Ehud Lamm | 1 | 01/29/2001 |
Design By Contract | Ehud Lamm | 4 | 01/29/2001 |
Death of the client | Chris Rathman | 12 | 01/31/2001 |
Algorithmic Theories of Everything | andrew cooke | 6 | 01/29/2001 |
Patterns for teaching Patterns | Chris Rathman | 2 | 01/27/2001 |
Scripted wrappers for legacy applications | Chris Rathman | 1 | 01/27/2001 |
Categories | Ehud Lamm | 10 | 01/27/2001 |
Generic Programming for Idiots | andrew cooke | 2 | 01/26/2001 |
Compiling with Continuations | Ehud Lamm | 3 | 01/26/2001 |
Covariant methods in Java | andrew cooke | 5 | 01/26/2001 |
Python 2.1 Alpha | Chris Rathman | 8 | 01/26/2001 |
Beautiful code? | Chris Rathman | 5 | 01/26/2001 |
Combinator Parsers | andrew cooke | 3 | 01/27/2001 |
Purely Functional Data Structures | andrew cooke | 9 | 01/26/2001 |
XML-RPC HOWTO | Ehud Lamm | 2 | 01/22/2001 |
Functional Images | andrew cooke | 2 | 01/21/2001 |
OpenC++ | Ehud Lamm | 1 | 01/20/2001 |
Perl Style Regular Expressions in Prolog | Ehud Lamm | 2 | 01/20/2001 |
How Do Linguists Learn Languages | Ehud Lamm | 4 | 01/20/2001 |